
Dear Friends,

These have been trying times for all of us. Your board has been working to try to ensure the possibility of programming in the fall, while considering the safety of all our members, especially our older members. Members of the board continue to monitor news from National headquarters in New York, information from other music organizations, and best practices from the Center for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health. We recognize that information continues to emerge, and long for the day we can gather “as normal.”

At our last board meeting, we decided that our first few events would be virtual rather than in person. The first of those will be released in early July, with Michelle Kardos, Xenia Yelovich, and John Salveson playing a recital of patriotic music on the grand organ at the First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg. Look to your inbox for a link to the program in early July. We are working to plan virtual events in September and October as well.

As the summer progresses our program committee will make recommendations to the board, with an eye toward the safety of our members and guests. Should you as a member of the guild face any issues, please let us know. There are a few resources available, most of which may be accessed on the national website.

Thank you,

John Salveson, D.M.A., CAGO



September 2020 Edition


April 2020 Edition